Arts Queensland Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript




Annual Prize. Entries open (now closed): Mon 5 Aug – Tues 10 Sept 2024

Named in honour of a distinguished Queensland poet, the Arts Queensland Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize for an unpublished manuscript is committed to encouraging emerging Queensland poets. Since its establishment in 2003, the prize has launched the poetic careers of some of Australia’s most distinguished writers.

The Prize, as part of the Arts Queensland Poetry Awards, is administered by QWC and supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.


Winner: $2,250 + publication contract and editorial development with UQP
Runner-Up: $500 + chapbook publication
Shortlist: One Year Membership with QWC

Opportunities for development are available to all Entrants, including feedback on submissions (as a paid add-on) and an online workshop.

Publication Partner

Queensland Writers Centre (QWC) is proud to partner with University of Queensland Press (UQP) to offer editorial development and a publication contract to the Winner of the Prize.

What to Submit

Submit a complete, unpublished poetry collection manuscript between 48–100 pages in length. Suggested formatting as follows:

Submit as an unrestricted Word document (.docx) or PDF file. Please do not include your name or identifying details on any portion of the submission.

  • 12pt Times New Roman or Arial font

  • 1.5 line spacing

  • 1” or 3cm margins on an A4 page

  • Start each new poem on a new page

  • Include page numbers

Previous winners

Lidija Cvetkovic, Jaya Savige, Nathan Shepherdson, Angela Gardner, Sarah Holland-Batt, Felicity Plunkett, Rosanna Licari, Vlanes (Vladislav Nekliaev), Nick Powell, R.A. Briggs, David Stavanger, Kris Kneen, Stuart Barnes, Shastra Deo, Rae White, Anna Jacobson, Luke Best, Gavin Yuan Gao, Janaka Malwatta, Jarad Bruinstroop, and Madeleine Dale.

Submission guidelines

Entries are accepted only via the online Entry Form. By making a submission Entrants acknowledge to have read and understood the Submission Guidelines.

Entrants should submit their own original work.

Poems may be of any genre or style.

Entrants should be resident in Queensland or have significant, demonstrable connection to Queensland.

Entrants to the Prize should be emerging poets – writers who have not had a full-length collection of poetry (>40 pages) or equivalent body of poetic work commercially published a (i.e. with an ISBN).

Entrants under 18 years are eligible but should contact QWC prior to entering, and will require permission from a guardian.

At least a portion of the collection should be previously unpublished. Poems included in the submission may be previously published separately (i.e. in journals, publications etc), provided the Entrant holds the requisite rights to submit the work and enter any contractual arrangements offered as part of the Prize. (Prior publication is highly encouraged.)

Multiple submissions are permitted. Each submission requires a separate Entry and fee.

Entrants grant first right of refusal on the publication of the manuscript to UQP for an exclusive period of up to 12 weeks following public announcements if selected as Winner or Runner-Up. Further contractual arrangements will be made directly with the Publisher. QWC otherwise reserves no rights over works submitted to the Awards; Entrants retain copyright at all times.

Where there is Indigenous content or participation in the work, Entrants should comply with Creative Australia’s Protocols for using First Nations Intellectual and Cultural Property.

Discounted entry fees are available to all concession card holders (including students, seniors and pensioners) and current members of state writers’ centres in the National Writers’ Centre Network, including QWC.

Entries will be subject to a rigorous assessment process with review by QWC team members, trained Readers and two experienced guest Judges, including a blind read process.

Judges’ feedback is not provided to unsuccessful Entrants; Entrants may choose to receive Readers’ feedback in an online Feedback Session with QWC staff (as a paid add-on). No correspondence with Readers or Judges may be entered into.

Submissions will be disposed of securely up to nine months after QWC completes the selection process. QWC may record and keep other information provided on the Entry Form for reference purposes.

The awarding of a Winner, Runner-Up and Shortlist (up to three writers) is to be at QWC’s discretion, and may depend on the quality and number of submissions received. In the event a Winner is not awarded, QWC may provide development opportunities (e.g. mentorship) to up to three highly-placed Entrants.

QWC does not guarantee the future publication of work submitted to the Awards.

QWC is committed to providing a relevant online development workshop, delivered by an industry professional, to all Entrants free of charge, regardless of submission outcome. QWC will endeavour to tailor the content of the session to address commonalities found across the cohort of submissions.

All Entrants will be personally notified of the outcome of their Entry prior to public announcements.

For assistance with your Entry, please contact QWC at or (07) 3842 9922.

These Submission Guidelines were developed and updated for the 2024 suite of Queensland’s poetry awards. QWC reserves the right to amend Guidelines for future Awards.