The Year of the Novel

by Vicki Bennett

As a published author of 30 books over three decades, I know the pitfalls and stumbling blocks of completing a book. I have been stuck, demotivated, stalled, overcome, rejected, disheartened, and through all that I have learned much about the human condition. I am passionate about guiding other writers through the bumps, troughs, and rabbit holes while offering choices and tools to overcome anxiety and writer’s block. I have assisted hundreds of writers through masterclasses and workshops and enjoy working with writers one-on-one to support them as they unlock their creative abilities.

Through participating in the Year of the Novel, presented at the Queensland Writers Centre, you will meet an inspired group of writers who will become your 2021 writing tribe. When writers draw from the collective energy of the tribe, they accelerate the learning process exponentially. The bi-monthly course structure will feed into this pattern of support and collaboration.

Peer to peer critiquing and professional networking is a valuable part of becoming a writer. Writing is often an isolated journey, which is made much more bearable and inspiring by the contribution of others who are on the same path. The Year of the Novel will help writers to create strong enduring relationships as they continue to build their writing careers. Together participants will learn how to craft the narrative, generate ideas, structure a storyline, and understand the importance of having a character-driven novel.

In this safe, supporting space you will learn how to become a more effective writer, to uncover any self-limiting thought patterns and replace them with empowering practices. This course will help participants to develop pace and discipline in their craft to rekindle the magic of writing in the flow. Unleashing creativity and imagination for this inner and outer journey to communicate their unique story.

You will receive practical advice and inspiration to maintain your momentum to complete your novel. I look forward to working with an enthusiastic, vibrant, open-minded group of writers in the Year of the Novel.

Queensland Writers Centre